You may have seen a bigger web presence for MusiGo these days. That's because we are ramping up to launch some exciting new resources in late 2017/early 2018.
But what is MusiGo Kids anyways?
MusiGo Kids will offer high-quality, movement and music based resources to assist caregivers teaching children with and without developmental disabilities aged 0 – 15 years old. But what does that mean? It means that we want to help professionals working with children to include music into their lesson plans to help achieve physical literacy milestones. We will have online training for these professionals including videos and specific notes on actions for each song.
Keri-Ellen Walcer is the founder of MusiGo Kids Her work in the field of children's fitness began over 15 years ago. She has created live musical fitness experiences for kids that have been used in daycares, community centers, concert halls and television appearances. She has also conducted original research under the direction of Dr. Meghann Lloyd, examining the use of music to improve the movement skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She is excited to share her expertise in children's fitness with other professionals in childcare, therapeutic and education settings.
Why the emphasis on music?
Do you remember the song “If You’re Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands? What about “Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes”? These songs are commonly enjoyed by preschool children across North America, but why are they useful? Simple musical activities like these often bring a smile to children’s faces, and unifies a group, yielding a social benefit. They link movement with words, yielding a language benefit. Without any preamble or lengthy instruction, they also manage to inspire movement, even from young children, yielding a movement benefit.
Simply put, music has the power to move us.
What is happening now?
Right now, we are working to build our online presence, the online platform and our community of supporters and like-minded folks. We need the help of people like you, the reader, to share our message.